April 28, 2021

Covid Special Episode: Lynard Joiner

Lynard Joiner almost died from COVID-19 and even 8 months later still suffers from
long-term lung and heart damage.

He shares his experience and a message: “COVID is for real. Do the right thing,
wear your mask, stay safe and help keep others safe.”

Justice Voices Podcast cover art
Justice Voices
Covid Special Episode: Lynard Joiner

Show Notes

Justice Voices Podcast cover art
Justice Voices
Covid Special Episode: Lynard Joiner

Lynard Joiner almost died from COVID-19 and even 8 months later still suffers from long-term lung and heart damage. 

He shares his experience and a message: “COVID is for real. Do the right thing, wear your mask, stay safe and help keep others safe.”

He adds, “Your mask is not only to protect you, it’s also to protect others and just keep us all safe, and that’s the only way we’re going to get over it, it’s working together to keep us safe.”

* Justice Voices website: https://justicevoices.org

* SING website: https://ShiftingIntoNewGear.org 

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